Tuesday, March 31, 2015

How To Have A Productive Day

Knowing the Direction of your day must consist of:

1) How much are you willing to get accomplished?

Before you get going for the day it is important to ask yourself this question because you will not get accomplished what you are not willing to put forth the EFFORT to accomplish. Each day has enough trouble of it's own so to start the day without first contemplating how much time and effort you want to spend on executing what is productive versus what is not.

2) When will you start your day?

The time that you begin your day are indicators of how effective your day will be. There are 86, 400 seconds in a day and not ONE of them should be wasted! What time you wake up determines how much time you have to be productive! It is that simple. So at the end of the day when you lay down and reflect over what you did/not get accomplished looking at WHEN you started can provide better direction.

3) What is it that you desire to accomplished?

A man without purpose is a man without direction. You can set before yourself a list of 101 things "To Do" and accomplish every one of them in a day and STILL feel as though your day was unproductive. This is perhaps because "what" you are seeking to accomplish is meaningless or holds little or no value to what you can set out to accomplish that holds PURPOSE.


"For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?"-Luke 14:28

Thursday, March 26, 2015

WHY? Blogging is Most Beneficial


WHY??! Blogging is Better...

Blogging is better for 3 BENEFICIAL reasons:

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Morals & Modeling

As a Professional Consultant teaching classes and having experience in the professional modeling industry I thought it would be a great topic to address Morals with respect to modeling. A couple of questions I was led to answer were the following:

1) How do I decipher between work that is morally degrading and work that is ethically fulfilling?

There is an Ecclesiastical saying that states, "All is vanity" and in passages of Corinth conveyed in love include that "all things are lawful, but not all things edify". How would this answer our question at hand? Well, we can take any project or work that we choose to, but the practicality becomes what will come of the work that you complete as a model lead to? More valuable work or more degrading work? And MOST importantly, HOW DOES THIS PROJECT MAKE ME FEEL ABOUT MYSELF AS A PERSON? Work that is valuable holds to working with quality, valued professionals in the industry. Does this mean that every photographer,  creative director, make up artist and team that you work with will be as experienced as others reputation of their work also produced should match you moral and ethical standards. You have seen the over saturated social media models and "aspiring, amateur photographer who shoots and captures ANY and EVERYTHING".  A great balance to maintain is that quality work eventually leads to paid work with your integrity in tact!

2) How do I maintain my integrity in a flooding industry of inexperienced models professing professionalism?

There is a major MISCONCEPTION that getting into the professional modeling industry that you must have a professional portfolio. This is true to a certain aspect in your process. At some point you WILL develop a professional portfolio. In saying so to guide in answering this question at hand, integrity is morally and ethically maintained individually. This is a CHOICE! We are living in a social media driven industry that couples itself with the paparazzi around modeling. The professional industry comingles for more prestige of the "behind the scenes" aspects of modeling that are not televised or print commercial aspects of being seen by the public eye so this has encouraged the drive of amateur models, photographers, and make up artists alike. So there is NO need to take on work and/or expose it to the public eye IF it's quality speaks for itself.

3) What should/can an aspiring model glean from a professional model?

An aspiring model can glean very valuable experience from professional models and professional models can also learn from aspiring models. This is as much a two way street as the roads we travel in life!  Aspiring models can learn what makes themselves unique, how they can acquire similar aspects of themselves to the skill set of the professional model as well as from the mistakes and shortcomings of them as well. NO ONE IS PERFECT NOR FLAWLESS. These are simply terms of CLICHE in nature utilizied in the industry!

A couple of featured elements of interviews with fellow seasoned professionals will added in the near future as well for a diverse response. Feel welcome to join the conversation as well!

2015 Total Solar Eclipse Complete


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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Blunt and/or Blunder of Personal and Professional Account Usage?

The question of account usage from a personal/professional usage continually arises in America from the government level to day to day business operations.

Should people utilize their business accounts to send personal emails and vice versa?

We are certain that you first have to look at what defines PROFESSIONALISM?  

Defining Professionalism

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines professionalism as "the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person"; and it defines a profession as "a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation."
These definitions imply that professionalism encompasses a number of different attributes, and, together, these attributes identify and define a professional.

Now that we have identified professionalism by definition we have to look at the integrity of the individual as well as the company, which we will share alongside accompanied research of professional attributes. Why we must look at the integrity of the individual not only upon the interview process, but also at designated check points and monitoring mandates as well as audits supports why the clip shared above according the Clinton Email Scandal disclosed should be in place at all times, strictly enforced and the proper repercussions assigned by the governing/human resource institution.  For example, we saw that Hillary made statements that revealed that she was just as culpable as any individual in an authority position that would compromise her professional integrity to her position.  Clinton said she made a mistake when she “opted for convenience.” She said she chose not to use a government email address because she did not want to carry multiple devices according to The Washington Free Beacon.
She also came back in the same interview and stated: "Clinton said, “the server contains personal communications from my husband and me” and that it was initially set up for the office of former President Clinton.
These comments contradict a statement made by Bill Clinton’s spokesman on Tuesday that he does not use email.
On this level of the scenario provided the stakes appear much higher because of the status of the employee, however, the ideology of professionalism must be weighted with respect to personal integrity as well.  If an individual "opts for convenience" in the professional workplace surely this level of integrity must be equated to personal standards.  This may appear to be a simple stab at the problem, but solution as we always aim to provide in a level setting is that the higher the standards, the higher the integrity of all parties involved should be and with a promising prosecution. On the other hand, the other side of the coin as mentioned earlier is the information gathered by www.mindtoolscom is professional attributes:

Specialized Knowledge

First and foremost, professionals are known for their specialized knowledge. They've made a deep personal commitment to develop and improve their skills, and, where appropriate, they have the degrees and certifications that serve as the foundation of this knowledge.
Not all business areas have a stable core of knowledge (and the academic qualifications that go with this); not all areas demand extensive knowledge to practice successfully; and not all professionals have top degrees in their field.
What matters, though, is that these professionals have worked in a serious, thoughtful and sustained way to master the specialized knowledge needed to succeed in their fields; and that they keep this knowledge up-to-date, so that they can continue to deliver the best work possible.


Professionals get the job done. They're reliable, and they keep their promises. If circumstances arise that prevent them from delivering on their promises, they manage expectations up front, and they do their best to make the situation right.
Professionals don't make excuses, but focus on finding solutions.

Honesty and Integrity

Professionals exhibit qualities such as honesty and integrity  . They keep their word, and they can be trusted implicitly because of this. They never compromise theirvalues  , and will do the right thing, even when it means taking a harder road.
More than this, true professionals are humble   – if a project or job falls outside their scope of expertise, they're not afraid to admit this. They immediately ask for help when they need it, and they're willing to learn from others.


Professionals hold themselves accountable for their thoughts, words, and actions, especially when they've made a mistake. This personal accountability is closely tied to honesty and integrity, and it's a vital element in professionalism.


They also stay professional under pressure.
For instance, imagine a customer service employee who's faced with an irate customer. Instead of getting upset or angry in return, the employee exhibits true professionalism by maintaining a calm, business-like demeanor, and by doing everything that she can to make the situation right.
Genuine professionals show respect for the people around them, no matter what their role or situation. They exhibit a high degree of emotional intelligence   (EI) by considering the emotions and needs of others, and they don't let a bad day impact how they interact with colleagues or clients.


Professionals look the part – they don't show up to work sloppily dressed, with unkempt hair. They're polished, and they dress appropriately for the situation. Because of this, they exude an air of confidence, and they gain respect for this.

We will not go into detail on every level of agreed professionalism compartmentalized by mindtools.com, but we will point out that Clinton as well as any other in a professional position must be able to perform under pressure just the same as in personal situations, which call for proper focus and sound judgment to accomplish anything.

This article was shared not to "attack" or "expose" Clinton, but to encourage others not to deter from the importance of the balance of the personal and professional elements that we can all glean and utilize as preventatives from this becoming a recurring matter in the workplace.

MSNBC: Hillary Clinton's Use Of Personal Email At State Dept "Staggering...

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Challenges in the Workplace

Topic: Name 3 Challenges People are Facing in the Workplace
As we look into these challenges we will first identify them and then look at the following:
1) Lack of Talent & Leadership Alignment
2) IQ, EQ, and SA
3) Maintaining Integrity of Brand & Style

Dynamics: Constant Evolving Culture, Consumer Demand, & Technology as it correlates to collegiate internship experiences; ability to apply, express, and maintain a practical balance between personal and professional; effort and integrity personal as it correlates to profession captured in interview process

Tactic of Resolve: Polls/Surveys, Analytics, & Entrance/Exit Interviewing that looks at a universal model according to real personality type

Both Large and small companies all have synergies when it comes to both barometers of success as well as challenges.  Common issues plaguing the workplace are due to an interview process that does not gauge every type of individual who walks through their doors despite the  Equal Opportunity Act  and Civil Rights Acts combating against racial discrimination.  The dilemma lies in the prejudices that are woven into the culture and fabric of not only the human resource department of corporations, but also in the environment of the employee's nature.

True enough time reveals that some things change with time elapsed and maturation, however, some things are prevalent and remain no differently than our selection of companions, friendships, as well as relationships that correlate to our preferences in the board room, staff interaction to coffee and cigarette break room chat.

So the question must be asked...Is always the employee that does not match the job description later or that the employer is the culprit of a flat out "poof judge of character" when hiring?

The answer is that there is NO ONE to blame, but the lack of insight, preparation and balance of connection between high level institutions, real life "hands on" internships, the willingness to grow TOGETHER and most importantly the spiritual balance required to carry out the vision and mission of ANY company in the WORLD!  

This becomes a controversial issue at large with all of the laws passing pertaining to both emerging and ancient practices and religious belief systems.  

The next question becomes what does a balance of the IQ, EQ, and SA (Spiritual Aptitude/altitude) in the workplace look like?

Every member should be screen continually, provided team building concepts, and expected to carry their own load.  These SAME principles should apply in EVERY business whether the company is a sports team, medical clinic, or educational institution all members and employees should be provided with the proper tools to maintain standards of excellence while the employers should also be interactive in these procedures so that in the case of termination all parties have exhibited their very best intellectually, morally, ethically and spiritually.